Why are passions so hard to find?

Have you ever felt like something was missing from your life? Like you didn’t have a purpose, like you were wandering across the globe without a final destination. That’s what a passion is supposed to do, to fill up that hole in your soul, and in your free time.

            But what if you don’t have one yet? For the longest time I felt that way. I felt like everyone had it figured out, everyone had a passion-whether it was art, dance, reading-but I couldn’t find mine. I tried almost everything I could, it was fulfilling for a little time, but then, at the end, I got bored and that void was emptied again. I felt stuck, wondering if I will ever find something that I would really love to do.

            I have always felt drawn to art, any kind of art. I liked drawing and painting, I really enjoyed singing and dancing, but I didn’t really feel like that was what I’m supposed to do. It was even harder finding a passion, being quite a intellectually gifted child, my parents always wanted me to do something bigger, not art related, for sure, like medicine or engineering, even though I hated math, physics and biology. I never felt supported by them in the field that I wanted to pursue, maybe that’s why it was really hard to find. Even though I am kinda good at drawing and painting, it didn’t really feel right.

            Until it hit me. I mean, it wasn’t so obvious at first. I started writing. First, I wrote my feelings in a journal, to get my mind cleared up, and then I remembered how I would write short stories when I was younger, even started my own book, but all the fiels got deleted, and that’s when I remembered how much I enjoyed it. That’s how I started writing my feelings in another form, on my computer, as a story, or maybe a poem and then I realized that I have always had it in me. This one actually felt right, it was fulfilling for me.

            I liked re-reading my work (more like a journal, to be honest). I realized how strong my feelings could be felt through those words, even after the time that had passed, so I thought I should show it to someone, maybe get some feedback. And so I did, showed it to my best friend, short to say, she was on the verge of tears. That was when I felt finally happy, I have finally found a passion, my passion, something that not everyone was able to do, but I was, wonderfully, I was able to transmit my feelings and my thoughts so easily through words and it didn’t drain me at the end.

            That’s why, and how, I started this blog. I think I have lots on my mind, and I think that maybe people might relate to my thoughts, that’s why I started this, and even though nobody may read it, at least I put my concept out there and actually do something with this skill of mine I just found.

            So, if you are still searching for your passion, don’t stress out. You will find it one day, slowly, because it doesn’t always come in a dramatic, life-changing way, sometimes it’s just a small flow and then you’ll realize that you’ve always had it within you.

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